Mr.Gamini Wijesinghe
2015 to 2019
Mr. H.A.S.Samaraweera
2010 to 2015
Mr. S.Swarnajothi
3 January 2007 to 2010
Mr. P.A.Pemathilaka
23 October 2006 to 2007
Mr. S.C.Mayadunne
13 August 2000 to 2006
Mr. S.M.Sabry
26 January 1993 to 2000
Mr. W.Gamini Epa
2 May 1983 to 1993
Mr. P.M.W.Wijayasuriya
11 October 1971 to 1983
Mr. D.R.Settinayake
15 August 1969 to 1971
Mr. B.L.W.Fernando
21 February 1964 to 1969
Mr. D.S.De Silva
14 September 1963 to 1964
Mr. L.A.Weerasinghe
2 March 1953 to 1963
Mr. E.Allen Smith,C.B.E.
16 February 1946 to 1953
Sir. O.E.Goonethillake
Mr. F.G. Morley
1 March 1922 to 1931
Mr. W.W.Woods,C.M.G.
27 May 1914 to 1922
Mr. D.S.MacGregor
8 April 1909 to 1914
Mr. Bernard Senior,I.S.O.
Hon.Mr. F.R.Ellis,C.M.G.
1 March 1902 to 1907
Hon.Mr. J.A.Taylor,C.M.G
10 June 1895 to 1902
Hon.Mr. J.A.Swettenham,C.M.G.
31 July 1891 to 1895
Hon.Mr. G.T.M.O'Brien,C.M.G.
18 October 1890 to 1891
Hon.Mr. W.H.Ravenscroft, C.M.G.
23 May 1877 to 1890
Hon.Mr. C.A.D.Barclay
16 June 1876 to 1877
Hon.Mr. JohnDouglas, C.M.G.
10 March 1870 to 1876
Hon.Mr. R.J.Callander
3 January 1866 to 1870
Hon.Mr. R.T.Pennefeather
24 June 1861 to 1866
Hon.Mr. W.C.Gibson
1 October 1851 to 1861
Hon.Mr. Charles J.MacCarthy
28 May 1847 to 1851
Hon.Mr. H.Wright
1 February 1841 to 1847
Hon.Mr. H.A.Marshall
1823 to 1841
Hon.Mr. J.W.Carrington
1 December 1817 to 1823
Mr. E.Tolfrey
1815 to 1817
Mr. John d' Oyly
1 September 1814 to 1815
Mr. A.Bertolacci
30 January 1811 to 1814
Sir R.Plaske
14 June 1809 to 1811
Mr. Samuel Tolfrey
1 October 1806 to 1809
Mr. Robert Boyd
29 September 1802 to 1806
Mr. Thomas Frazer
September 1799 to 1802
Mr. Cecil Smith
24 January 1799 to 1799